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Why keep current?

Why keep current?
Connect with members
Help our members find you and connect with you for the care they need.
Get paid faster
Avoid claims payment delays when we have all your correct information on file.
Stay accurate
Ensure current and future members have the right information about your practice.
You can update your provider information
The best way you can update your provider information is by sending a written maintenance request to the Kansas Medical Assistance Program (KMAP). You can request to make updates to your provider information, including:
New service locations for an existing contracted TIN
Change of name, address, phone number, fax and office hours
Specialty, hospital affiliations, board certifications and other details
You can send your written maintenance request to KMAP in one of three ways:
By fax
Fax your request to 785-266-6112.
By email
By mail
Send your request to:
Kansas Medical Assistance Program
PO Box 3571
Topeka, KS 66601
Kansas Medical Assistance Program
6511 South East Forbes Avenue
Topeka, KS 66619
You can end or change your participation in the network
Depending on how you’re contracted with Aetna Better Health®, we’ll either end your individual contract or your participation from a group agreement. You’ll need to first contact the state (KMAP) and then notify us if you’re ending your contract for any of these reasons:
Moving to a new state
Changing your group participation within the same address
Provider deceased
No longer employed
You or the requestor will need to have this information ready:
Requestor’s first and last name
Requestor’s title (example: office manager)
Requestor’s email address
Provider’s first and last names, and middle initial
Address (including city, state and ZIP code)
National provider identifier (NPI) number
Aetna® provider ID number (if known)
Termination effective date
Reason for termination
You can call Provider Experience at 1-855-221-5656 (TTY: 711) We’re here for you Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.