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Why keep current?

Why keep current?
Connect with members
Help our members find you and connect with you for the care they need.
Get paid faster
Avoid claims payment delays when we have all your correct information on file.
Stay accurate
Ensure current and future members have the right information about your practice.
Tax identification number (TIN)
You don’t need to fill out a new application if you’re:
- An existing contracted provider updating your tax ID number (TIN)
- Adding another location under a different TIN
Just complete these steps:
- Send us a letter (on company letterhead) with details of the TIN change request. You can email us. Or you can fax us: 1-844-235-1340. Include your name and service location info.
- Include a copy of the new W-9, if applicable. If you’re contracted as a group, send a group W-9. Otherwise, just send an individual W-9.
After you send us your materials and information, we’ll process the change or contact you for more details.
If you don’t receive a confirmation email for the change, contact your network consultant. Check this provider relations contact list (PDF) to learn more.
You can end or change your participation in the network
Depending on how you’re contracted with Aetna Better Health®, we’ll either end your individual contract or your participation from a group agreement. You can contact your network consultant if you’re ending your contract for any of these reasons:
Moving to a new state
Changing your group participation within the same address
Provider deceased
No longer employed
You or the requestor will need to have this information ready:
Requestor’s first and last name
Requestor’s title (example: office manager)
Requestor’s email address
Provider’s first and last names, and middle initial
Address (including city, state and ZIP code)
National provider identifier (NPI) number
Aetna® provider ID number (if known)
Termination effective date
Reason for termination
If you need to contact the state, your network consultant will notify you and give you the contact information.
Validate provider data
It is important to Aetna Better Health of Florida and your patients that your provider directory demographics are accurate. In support of NCQA, federal, and CMS regulations and standards, Aetna Better Health of Florida requires participating providers to visit our Provider Online Directory at each calendar quarter to validate the accuracy of your practice information.
Actively managing the accuracy of provider data is critical to ensuring our members can access medical care. Incorrect information within provider directories can lead to confusion and frustration for members and providers. Without consistently checking the information through provider data validation, inaccuracies can grow, and this can become a significant barrier in accessing care.
ABH FL Provider Data Validation
Accurate data matters
Keeping your practice data up to date through Aetna Better Health of Florida’s online Provider Data Change Form is essential to ensuring member satisfaction, appropriate referrals, appointment availability, and accurate and timely claims processing.
Please complete the Provider Data Change Form (PDCF) for each practitioner in your practice that requires changes and only fill out the fields that require changes in the system.
You can contact us. We’re here to help.