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Just call Provider Services at ${provider_services_phone}. We’re here for you ${provider_services_hours}.
Just call Provider Services at ${provider_services_phone}. We’re here for you ${provider_services_hours}.
Getting started
Getting started
When you join our network, we’ll provide an initial orientation. After that, you’ll have ongoing training and education, including webinars, periodic provider newsletters and bulletins, and so much more.
Questions about joining our network? Just visit the join our network page for more information.
You can also check the quick reference guide or the provider manual for answers to many of your questions. Or you can call us at ${provider_services_phone}.
Availity® training
The Provider Portal is an online tool that lets us communicate health care information directly to providers.
You need to register for the Availity Provider Portal before you can start using its many features. To learn more about how to register for the Availity Provider Portal, just visit the Provider Portal page.
Helpful training links
Health equity
Everyone should have a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as they can be. Learn more about health equity and the obstacles and solutions to this goal on our health equity page.
Trauma-informed care
Trauma-informed care responds to the impact of trauma through recognition and understanding. We take our members’ safety and ability to make their own choices seriously. Want to learn more? Just watch this video about trauma-informed care. Or visit the Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions (CoE) website.
Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) training
You can find more information about training on the HEDIS page.
- International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET)
- Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
- Case Management Society of America (CMSA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
- Suicide Prevention Resources Center
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- Think Cultural Health
Communication between health care professionals can lead to better outcomes for patients. Not sure where to start? You can check out these FAQs about how to discuss sensitive topics.
More training and resources
We don’t discriminate against people due to their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, genetic information or medical history, ability to pay, or ability to speak English. We strongly encourage all providers to learn more about cultural competency.
We designed this training to help our plan’s community and provider partners feel confident and prepared to serve SoonerSelect members.
We’re required to communicate to providers about the expectations and importance of adhering to the Compliance Program and Code of Conduct. We ask that you share these compliance materials with any individuals you employ or contract to perform administrative health services on our behalf.
CVS Health Code of Conduct (PDF)
Request compliance training materials
To request compliance training materials, you can contact us. Just email us.
If a Critical Incident or Significant Event involves an Aetna Better Health enrollee, you must notify us immediately from the time you’ve identified the incident or event. We’re required to report any incident or event to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority within one hour from the time it was identified.
Privacy and Security: Critical Incidents and Significant Events Training (PDF)
As a partner with Aetna Better Health of Oklahoma (AHBOK), you are required to be compliant with all applicable federal, state, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations.
By completing the attestation, you certify that your organization is committed to ensuring compliance with all applicable federal, state and CMS regulations including provisions of 42 C.F.R. § 438.610 regarding prohibited Contractor affiliations and all relevant State and federal laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance, including updates and amendments to these documents or any such standards.
Attestation document (PDF)
Legal notices
HEDIS is the property of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).