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Provider materials and forms


Provider manual (PDF)


Log in to SKYGEN USA to access the dental manual.

Shared decision-making aids are communication tools used as a way for providers and patients to make informed health care decisions based on what is important to the patient.   They do not replace physician guidance but are intended to help complement the discussions between patients and physicians on treatment decisions.


Below are evidence-based aids that provide information about treatment options, lifestyle changes, and outcomes.


American Heart Association | Health Topics


Flu Prevention | American Heart Association


Congenital Heart Defects | American Heart Association


Children and Arrhythmia | American Heart Association


Mayo Clinic | Care that fits


Depression Medication Choice | Mayo Clinic


Diabetes Medication Choice | Mayo Clinic


Aetna Better Health Kids is partnering with Change Healthcare to introduce the new EFT/ERA Registration Services (EERS), a better and more streamlined way for our providers to access payment services.


What is EERS?


EERS offers providers a standardized method of electronic payment and remittance while also expediting the payee enrollment and verification process. Providers will be able to use the Change Healthcare online tool to manage EFT and ERA enrollments with multiple payers on a single platform.


How does it work?


EERS gives payees multiple ways to set up EFT and ERA in order to receive transactions from multiple payers. If a provider’s tax identification number (TIN) is active in multiple states, a single registration will auto-enroll the payee for multiple payers. Registration can also be completed using a national provider identifier (NPI) for payment across multiple accounts. 


Providers who currently use Change Healthcare as a clearinghouse will still need to complete EERS enrollment, but providers who currently have an application pending with Change Healthcare will not need to resubmit. Once enrolled, payees will have access to the Change Healthcare user guide to aid in their navigation of the new system.


How and when do I enroll?


Aetna Better Health Kids will soon migrate all payee enrollment and verification to EERS. To enroll in EERS, please visit


For questions or concerns, please reach out to your Aetna Provider Network team, or visit the Change Healthcare FAQ page for more information.

Member materials and forms

Find all the materials and forms a member might need — right in one place.  

Materials and forms

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