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Goals of the program

Goals of the program
The NJPMP was established pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:1-45 et. seq. (PDF), with the goal of tracking and controlling the volume of prescription-dispensed drugs subject to abuse. This database is updated daily and grants access to New Jersey-licensed prescribers and pharmacists who are in good standing with their respective boards.
Register for NJPMP
Prescribers are highly encouraged to access the NJPMP to gain a better understanding of their patients’ drug history. The NJPMP is also used to mitigate the risk of potential abuse or fraud by individuals who obtain prescriptions from multiple providers.
Prescriber requirements
Prescribers are required to access the NJPMP for a patient:1
- The first time they prescribe any Schedule II medication or opioid for acute or chronic pain, or a Schedule III or IV benzodiazepine
- Every three months thereafter, if continuing to prescribe one of the above
- Any time the patient appears to be seeking CDS for any purpose other than the treatment of an existing medical condition (e.g., misuse, abuse or diversion)
- If the practitioner believes that the person may be seeking a controlled dangerous substance, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than treatment of an existing medical condition
Contact NJPMP
Jeffrey D. Laszczyk, Jr., PharmD
NJPMP Administrator
P.O. Box 47014
Newark, New Jersey 07101
Helpful resources
New Jersey Department of Health
New Jersey State Commission of Investigation
Department of Human Services (Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services)
New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES)
(Also known as the NJ Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222)
Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey