Extra support from community advocates
Sometimes it can be hard to understand the health care system. You may need extra help to find the resources you need.
Advocates are individuals or organizations that can help you with different parts of your care. These are local and national organizations that provide resources for you and your family. Some of these are:
Resources for members, dial:
211 Essential community resources: https://www.211.org/
311 non-emergency police and government agencies
988 suicide and crisis hotline: https://mha.ohio.gov/get-help/crisis-systems/988-suicide-and-crisis-lifeline-in-ohio/welcome
Ohio advocacy groups and resources
Ability Center of Greater Toledo
Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging - Cleveland area
Center for Disability Empowerment - Central Ohio
Center for Independent Living Options - SW Ohio
Disability Rights Ohio
Elder Care Directory
Governor's Council on People with Disabilities
HEAP Home Energy Assistance Program
Legal Aid Society of Columbus
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
Linking Employment Abilities and Potential - Cleveland area
Long-term Care Ombudsman Program - Ohio Department of Aging
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Ohio
Ohio Area Agencies on Aging
Ohio Association of Retired Americans
Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council
Ohio Legal Services
Ohio Olmstead Task Force
Ohio Poverty Law Center
Ohio Self Determination Association
Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
People First of Ohio
Pro Seniors
The Arc of Ohio
Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN Ohio)
National advocacy groups and resources
Administration on Community Living
American Association of People with Disabilities
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Center for Self Determination
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Children's Defense Fund
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Disability is Natural
Disability Law Lowdown
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Families USA
Family Voices
Institute on Community Integration
Mobility International USA
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights
National Disability Rights Network
National Consortium on Leadership and Disability for Youth (NCLD-Youth)
National Council on Disability
National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
National Organization on Disability
National Youth Leadership Network
Reaching for the Stars
The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates
The Equal Rights Center
VOR (Voice of Reason)
Other resources
A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
The Riot!
United Nations Enable
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