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What does a care manager do?

What does a care manager do?
Care managers work with both adults and children. They share info about your health conditions and ways to take care of yourself. They can also help you:
Find a primary care provider (PCP)
Schedule doctors’ visits
Find specialists and services near home
Get rides to your doctor, pharmacy or hospital
Get medical and dental services, supplies and equipment
Find community resources and educational materials
Get the services you need
To help decide which services best meet your needs, the care manager works with:
Your provider
Your representative or guardian (if you have one)
Managing chronic conditions
Managing chronic conditions
Some health issues need more care. If you’re managing a chronic condition, a care manager can help you get the treatment you need to feel better. They can help you manage conditions like asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), sickle cell disease and more.


Are you pregnant or planning to start a family? A care manager can help you stay healthy through your pregnancy. If your pregnancy is high risk, they can help you get the special care you need. You’ll get support, including info about preterm labor and birth.
Complete your health risk survey
This will help us decide on what level of care you need. Once you complete the survey, we’ll review your results and talk with you about your care options. You can learn more about the survey.