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Why our network?
Why our network?
Whether you’re a physical or other health care provider, we’ll work with you to understand your business and meet your needs.
When you take part in our provider network, you benefit from:
Competitive compensation
Ongoing support and learning opportunities
Timely and efficient claims processing
Advanced technology to help enhance patient care
Dedicated support from us

Ready to join our network?

Ready to join our network?
Complete our provider intake form
The provider intake form will help us better understand what services you provide and your location. It will also help us gather any other information needed for the contracting process.
Contracted providers
If you are already a contracted provider and would like to add a practitioner to your group, you can contact us.
Vision care providers
If you are an optometrist or ophthalmologist, contact our vision vendor, Vision Service Plan.
Dental care providers
If you are a dental provider, contact our dental vendor, DentaQuest.
If you are a pharmacy, contact CVS Caremark®.
Medicaid provider intake form Medicare-Medicaid plan provider intake form