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What is the VFC Program?

What is the VFC Program?
It helps families by providing no-cost vaccines to doctors who serve eligible children. The program is administered at the national level by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Immunization Program. States and eligible U.S. projects enroll providers who serve eligible patients (up to age 18), providing routine immunizations with little to no out-of-pocket costs.
What are the advantages to becoming a VFC Program provider?
What are the advantages to becoming a VFC Program provider?
Here are some benefits of enrolling as a VFC Program provider:
- You’ll earn an incentive as part of our 2024 Pay-for-Quality Program. For more information about the 2024 VFC Incentive or Pay-for-Quality Program, contact Provider Relations.
- You can reduce your out-of-pocket costs because you’ll no longer have to buy vaccines with your own money.
- The program allows you to charge an administrative fee to offset your cost of doing business. You can refer to this HEDIS reference tool (PDF) to learn more.
- The program covers all vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
- This enhances all services you provide relative to EPSDT and access to care.
- You can further build your business by providing government services to patients in need.
- The program will allow you to facilitate immunization documentation and compliance through the Michigan Care Improvement Registry (MCIR). This is an electronic web-enabled statewide childhood immunization registry accessible to private and public providers.
- You’ll be connected to variety of reputable resources.

Ready to join the VFC Program?
Or want to learn more? Visit the CDC's page on the VFC Program. You can also find more information on the MI MICR website.