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To learn more or join a committee, email or call us at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
To learn more or join a committee, email or call us at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY: 711). We’re here for you Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
I/DD Member Subcommittee

I/DD Member Subcommittee
Who it’s for:
- Children and youth with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD).
- Families and caregivers of children and youth with intellectual and/or I/DD.
- Families and caregivers of people who get services and support through OhioRISE.
In each meeting, you’ll review and comment on questions like:
- How can we better support people with mental health needs who also have I/DD?
- How easy is it to get services?
- Are services available when and where you need them?
- How well do your providers respect your culture and family traditions?
Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
Who it’s for:
- Young people ages 14 to 20 in the OhioRISE program.
Through monthly meetings and direct communication with the Youth Engagement Director, your voice will tell us about what is working and what needs to be done better. Then, we’ll use these ideas to help improve services and supports in:
- Foster care
- Juvenile justice
- Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) systems
- Behavioral health services
- Community resources

Member and Family Advisory Council (MFAC)

Member and Family Advisory Council (MFAC)
Who it’s for:
- Children and older youth
- Biological, adoptive, kinship and foster/resource parents and family
- Other caregivers in Ohio
Share your thoughts about mental health and substance abuse services. We’ll listen and learn from you to find the best ways to:
- Support your family’s needs.
- Support your and your family’s community resource needs.
- Get feedback on your and your family’s experience with our care coordination activities.
- Listen and learn about your and your family’s experiences in the OhioRISE program to make improvements.
Time will be set aside during each meeting to discuss questions like:
- How easy is it to get services?
- Are services offered to you when and where you need them?
- Are there services and support you can't get in your area?
- How well do your providers respect your culture?
SHINE University
SHINE University
Who it’s for:
- Youth and their families involved in multi-systems
- Community stakeholders
- Providers
SHINE University will focus on the training needs of members of our community. You’ll be invited to help with this work. Be on the lookout for invitations to join SHINE.