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Just call us at 1-833-711-0773 (TTY:
711) from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or, check your member handbook on our materials and forms page to learn more.
Help in a crisis

Help in a crisis
Life-threatening emergencies
Call 911 or go to the nearest hospital if you’re having a life-threatening emergency and need help right now. You can use any hospital for emergency care, even if it isn’t in our network. Just show your member ID card.
Other types of emergencies
Call our behavioral health hotline at 1-888-418-MRSS (6777) (TTY: 711). Then, choose the crisis option.
From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: we’ll connect you with a care coordinator.
After hours: we’ll connect you with the state crisis line.
No matter what time of day, you’re not alone. We have resources in place to help you in a crisis.
You can also find other local resources and services in your own community.
Care coordination
Care coordination
Our care coordinators are here for you. These are behavioral health specialists who know how to serve children, youth, and their families/caregivers. They understand behavioral health and can help you get care based on your specific needs.

We’ve got you covered
Behavioral health benefits cover treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. We work with providers who offer treatment options to help members feel better and support recovery. There is no need for a primary care physician (PCP) referral. But, ensure you get care from any provider in our network.
Diagnostic Assessment to gather information and determine the best course of treatment for mental health or substance use disorders. Psychiatric Evaluation includes a physical and mental health assessment by a licensed medical provider who specializes in mental health treatment to prescribe and monitor medication.
Short-term relief to the primary caregiver(s) of members to support the caregiver and member relationship.
A CANS assessment is a tool used to determine eligibility for OhioRISE. It gathers the young person and family’s story to understand their needs and strengths, and to help determine the best ways to provide help. The CANS assessment is updated regularly to aid with ongoing care planning.
Services that help with coordination of appointments, benefits, basic needs, medication compliance and referral and linkage to formal and natural community supports.
Services provided by licensed behavioral health providers to identify concerns and develop individualized treatment plans to address mental health symptoms through therapy.
Services or supplies that meet a need, like improving a member’s opportunity to take part in the community (when the Medicaid state plan doesn’t cover these services or supplies).
Substance abuse and behavioral hospital services provided by health providers.
Intensive services to help stabilize and improve behavioral health provided by IHBT trained Ohio providers.
Prompt behavioral health services to ensure members are safe and get the supports and services they need from Ohio’s new MRSS providers.
Services provided by a licensed behavioral health medical provider to identify and coordinate beneficial medication, nursing and pharmacy services for mental health and substance use disorders.
OhioRISE covers in-state PRTF care for members with the most intensive behavioral health needs. OhioRISE covers out of state PRTF care for members who cannot access this level of treatment in Ohio.
Restoration, rehabilitation, and support to improve functioning and daily living skills for individuals with psychiatric disorders.
Drug testing and select laboratory services, psychological testing, health behavior assessments and screenings to help inform treatment services.
Services provided by licensed or trained, qualified paraprofessionals that integrate treatment goals in home and community-based settings.
Intensive, individualized behavioral support that helps to manage emotional disorders.
Services provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, licensed addiction counselors, mental health clinics, mental health rehabilitation service providers (public or private), and rehabilitation substance use centers.
Services provided by substance abuse and behavioral health providers.
Out-of-home respite: A service provided to individuals unable to care for themselves that is furnished on a short-term basis because of the absence or need for relief of those persons who normally provide care for the individual.
Transitional Services and Supports (TSS): Designed to provide family stability supports for the youth, primary caregiver and family as a pathway to creating a stable environment in the home. It is shorter term supports for individuals and their families to help them understand, mitigate, and provide connections to long-term solutions that address behavior challenges.
Secondary Flex Funds: Like Primary flex funds but allows for $3,000 within 365 days and must address an identified need in the service plan, including improving and maintaining the individual’s opportunities for full participation in the community. Also includes $2,000 emergency funds, if both primary and secondary have been used and excluded from cost cap. Primary flex funds must be used first.
More member resources
This resource is for members ages 5 and up. Eligible members can choose from a selection of creativity kits.
Members with any of the following are eligible:
Receive an incentive to see your provider after being in the hospital. This incentive is for members ages 6 and up.
Members can earn a $20 gift card by visiting a behavioral health provider within seven days of being discharged from the hospital. You can use the gift card for things like self-care items, educational supplies, and more.
Members are eligible to receive support from this calming comfort collection if they’re experiencing:
You can choose from a selection of calming kits, such as a:
Sound therapy kit
Sleep therapy kit
Aromatherapy kit and more
Smoking cessation tool: If you take part in the Igniting Change Tobacco Cessation Program, you may also be eligible to receive a smoking cessation tool.
The Keep Kids Safe Kits are designed to support safety by providing legal or custodial guardians with items to prevent accidental injuries and/or incidents of self-harm.
Keep Kids Safe Kits include:
- Lock boxes to restrict access to dangerous items, like medication, weapons, and more
- A choice of one of these items:
- Door and window alarms
- Safety harnesses for cars
Eligible members (ages 5 and up) can receive up to 4 hours per month of one-on-one tutoring during the school year. Tutoring is provided by the Sunshine Method either in-person or virtually based on where you live and your unique needs.
$50 gift card: Pregnant members can receive a $50 gift card when they let their OhioRISE care coordinator or Aetna know they are pregnant. They can use the gift card to pay for healthy food, maternity supplies and diapers.
$150 gift card: Members who go to an appointment with a behavioral health provider within the first year after having their baby can receive a $150 gift card.
$100 gift card: Current parents and/or pregnant members with at least one dependent child who submit proof of completing a parenthood education program of their choice to their care coordinator can receive a $100 gift card. They can use it to pay for things, like baby care items, household items, education supplies, and more.
Members ages 13 to 20 in the custody of Public Children’s Service Agencies can:
Receive a personal device
Access iFoster, an online community for kids in foster care
Members who live in Athens County:
Ages 13 to 17: can receive a tablet
Ages 18 to 20: can receive a laptop
Nutritional weight loss counseling
Members who are ages 6 to 20 with weight concerns, or who are prescribed behavioral medications that can cause weight gain, can receive 16 visits for nutritional/weight loss counseling over the course of 26 week at one of the 58 CVS Minute Clinic locations in Ohio. The first 4 visits are completed weekly and every other week for the remaining 12 visits.
$200 toward healthy activities and programs
Members can receive $200 to use towards healthy activities and programs. This includes after-school programs, like:
The Boys and Girls Club
Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
You can also use the money toward sports program fees and other activities, including ballet and gymnastics, as well as admission for local zoos and state parks.
Even more support
Members can also receive:
Healthy item kits with various themes every 3 months
Access to DASH for Health, an online program where you can create personalized nutrition goals and eating plans
Eligible members (female OhioRISE members, ages 10 and up) can receive a monthly stipend of $20 to spend on period products from a select list at CVS Pharmacy®.
Learn more about behavioral health
Learn to manage stress
Did you know that stress can affect your health? It can be hard to keep up with healthy habits during times of stress.
You can check these sources to learn more about mental and emotional well-being:
- Staying mentally healthy in tough times
- Understanding depression
- Healthy living resources
- 4 ways to take care of physical and mental well-being during unsettled times
- National Institute of Mental Health
Substance use disorders happen when people misuse drugs, alcohol or both, repeatedly.
Learn more about substance use disorders
Or find more information from:
- Alcoholics Anonymous® website
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website
Mental health disorders can be serious. They can change a person’s thinking, feeling, mood and daily functioning. They affect 1 in 4 adults and 1 in 10 children per year.
Mental health disorders include:
Bipolar disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Borderline personality disorder
For more information, visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website.
There, you can learn about the different support programs NAMI offers, including:
A no-cost course for anyone living with mental illness. Those who join can learn about coping skills and self-care.
A no-cost course for family caregivers of adults living with mental illness. It teaches communication and problem-solving skills to help them deal with the impact on the family.
An online social community for teens and young adults living with mental illness. It’s a place for them to connect and learn about services.