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Check your member handbook (PDF) or visit the state website. You can also email Jennifer Eva, CSEDW Senior Project Manager.
Goals of the CSEDW

Goals of the CSEDW
The CSEDW is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver program. This means that it gives members and families extra care and services in their homes and communities.
Without this extra support, the child or teen might need to live at a psychiatric residential treatment facility (PRTF). The CSEDW program helps keep members living at home with their families instead of at a PRTF. It also helps them after they move back home from a facility. The program’s main goal is for fewer children and teens to live in PRTFs.
CSEDW services
CSEDW services
Services your child can get include:
- Wraparound facilitation
- Independent living/skills building
- Job development
- Supported employment, individual
- In-home family therapy and support
- Respite, in-home and out-of-home
- Specialized therapy
- Assistive equipment
- Community transition
- Mobile response
- Non-medical transportation
- Peer-parent support
You can see details about each service in your member handbook (PDF).

Who can take part in the CSEDW program?

Who can take part in the CSEDW program?
To take part in the program, your child must:
- Be between the ages of 3 and 21
- Receive Medicaid benefits (Medicaid eligibility is separate from CSEDW eligibility)
- Be a resident of West Virginia, even if they live at a care facility in another state (you must show proof of this to apply)
- Get treatment services at home and in the community instead of at a live-in care facility
- Enroll with Aetna Better Health® as their managed care organization (MCO)
- Meet CSEDW medical eligibility
Medical eligibility
The CSEDW program has a limited number of spots. As part of the application process, the program requires a review of the member’s medical report. This is also known as the Independent Evaluation (IE) report. A psychologist completes the IE report, which helps decide if a member is medically eligible for the program.
This report includes info about your child’s:
- General background
- Mental status exam
- Intelligence
- Adaptive behavior
- Achievements
Ready to apply?
Just complete this CSEDW program application (PDF). Then follow the instructions on the form to submit the application.