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You’re going to the provider website. It has info for health care providers. If you don’t want to leave the member site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose “Go on” to move forward to the provider website.
Aetna Better Health provides the general info on the next page. If you don’t want to leave your state site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose “Go on” to move forward to the main Aetna® Medicaid website.
West Virginia’s DHHR People’s Access to Help website provides the info on the next page. If you don’t want to leave our site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose, “Go on” to move forward.
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Receiving calls and/or text messages from Aetna Better Health® of West Virginia that are informational and relate to my health and benefits. I understand that my information will be used in accordance with my plan notice of privacy practices.
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services provides the info on the next page. If you don’t want to leave our site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose “Go on” to move forward.
CVS Health® provides the info on the next page. Aetna® is part of the CVS Health family of companies. If you want to stay on our site, choose the “X” in the upper right corner to close this message. Or choose “Go on” to move forward to